

To determine which service is best for our jurisdiction’s criminals, we must first learn about each platform. Our existing demography requires that we use the curriculum that best meets their needs. Currently, our population’s criminals are heavily dependent on drugs. Finding a program that will benefit our criminal justice system is critical. I will analyze several programs now available to identify the best match for our criminal justice community. Pre-trial and community diversion programs will be available, as will substance misuse education and awareness campaigns for criminals, juvenile offenders, and parents involved in ongoing child welfare proceedings, drug courts target those who are addicted to alcohol or other substances. A multidisciplinary team of judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, community correctional officers, social workers, and therapists oversees the programs. To avoid relapses and criminal re-offending, adult drug courts employ risk assessment; judicial engagement; monitoring and supervision; progressive sanctions and incentives; treatment; and other rehabilitation programs (Drug Courts).Drug courts seem to help reduce recidivism among offenders. In treating a client holistically, this sort of therapy addresses several elements of their drug misuse habit. Several studies revealed that drug courts decreased recidivism among program participants compared to similar probationers. The NIJ showed that drug courts may reduce recidivism (rearrests) and expenses by up to 50%. Processing, treatment, and other investment expenses were cheaper than in the conventional criminal justice system. Recidivism reduction and other program results saved the taxpayer $6,744 per participant (Do Drug Courts Work? Drug Court Research Findings). The aim is that drug courts will be adequate in addressing persons with substance misuse issues.(Paul C. Higgins, 2019)To better understand one other’s responsibilities, we used drug courts. Clients with substance abuse disorders had more questions and concerns after participating in either group’s educational session. Many had a new perspective on drug addicts and what they need in order to overcome their addictions. As an alternative to incarceration, drug court addresses the underlying problem that resulted in the client’s arrest in the first place. Drug courts may bring together experts from several county service systems, including criminal justice and substance abuse treatment, to help both the rehabilitation of offenders and the protection of their communities. (Peden, 2020) suggests the following: As a voluntary option, a person accused of a crime may choose to participate in pre-trial diversion/intervention (s). Services like counseling and drug treatment are provided as part of diversion programs. Because these programs primarily target nonviolent offenders, they try to address underlying issues like mental illness or drug misuse. Most pretrial diversion programs incorporate some kind of therapeutic monitoring. Most also call for victim compensation, community service, and therapy. Pretrial diversion puts the offender in charge of completing the program. The fact that their charges have been dismissed may be enough for some to realize they need to alter their life. These initiatives save the criminal justice system money and time. In most cases, they cut criminal justice expenditures. (Warren K. Bickel, 2019)Pretrial diversion programs save time by diverting criminals from typical criminal justice processes and thereby enhancing processing. They also ease jail overpopulation. Offenders escape criminal convictions and punishments by being diverted from standard criminal justice processes. This permits those in pretrial diversion programs to contribute to society. This program is for low-level offenders, mostly first-time offenders. This allows individuals to avoid jail and obtain counseling and therapy for their illegal conduct, reducing the probability of reoffending. There is also an opportunity for individuals incarcerated to obtain residential therapy. Residential Treatment for Drug Abuse (RDAP). Since 1989, RDAP has used cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to treat people who are abusing drugs. During the last six months of an inmate’s sentence, aftercare is administered in the community. It is 15 percent less likely for men who complete RDAP treatment to be arrested or revoked than those who do not. The RDAP is not mandatory. With at least 24 months left on your sentence and a 12-month history of substance abuse or dependence, you are eligible for the RDAP program if you have no serious mental or cognitive impairment that prevents full participation, are eligible for a halfway house (which excludes removable non-US citizens), and sign an acknowledgement of program responsibilities. RDAP typically lasts nine months, with offenders isolated from the rest of the community. There are a variety of half-day programs, classes, jobs, and other things to keep them busy. This program’s participants have a low recidivism rate after release. Educating offenders about drug misuse is also an essential initiative. Substance addiction education is vital in helping people comprehend this complex issue.(William R. Miller, 2020) Addiction affects one’s physical and mental health as well as family, relationships, and other areas of functioning. This material may contain facts about what substance misuse is, warning signs of addiction, how alcohol and other drugs influence the mind and body. Studies reveal that research-based and effectively executed drug addiction prevention programs work. Research-based education programs have been found to drastically decrease substance misuse behaviors, including nicotine, alcohol, and drug use. These programs increase protective characteristics that reduce the risk of drug addiction while decreasing risk factors that increase the risk of substance abuse. When properly implemented, the program can reduce recidivism, relapse, and criminality. Once freed, the criminal and society may profit. According to studies, all current interventions are effective in decreasing recidivism. Drug courts and pretrial diversion programs give voluntary treatment to offenders before they are sentenced to jail.So, they can obtain the care they need and acquire coping skills, they can escape incarceration. Residential and instructional programs for drug misuse are for inmates already in jail. They are there to help them get therapy and succeed after they are freed. Taking everything into account, I think our criminal justice system should aid persons struggling with drug misuse before they get to jail. (Chludzinski, 2020)Due to the significant number of offenders with substance addiction issues, I believe drug courts are the greatest alternative for us to assist alleviate congestion.


Chludzinski, J. (2020). A Comparison of Court Mandated and Voluntary Clients in Substance Abuse Program. Southern Connecticut State University.

Paul C. Higgins, M. B. (2019). Problem-Solving Courts: Justice for the Twenty-First Century? ABC-CLIO.

Peden, A. (2020). Comparative Health Information Management. Cengage Learning.

Warren K. Bickel, R. E. (2019). Reframing Health Behavior Change With Behavioral Economics. Psychology Press.

William R. Miller, N. H. (2020). Treating Addictive Behaviors: Processes of Change. Springer Science & Business Media.

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Written by Ecadimi

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